GelO News Fall 2014

Customer Driven Design ... After 15 years of creating GEL accessories for rehab equipment, I feel as if sooner or later we'll just run out of ideas for new products or product improvements.
As it turns out, nothing could be further from the truth. Every time I'm at a show or a presentation and have the opportunity to speak with customers about our products, and their problems, new ideas just flow. The recent Rehacare in Dusseldorf Germany was no exception. With 902 exhibitors from 36 countries, we were able to speak with only a small fraction of the more than 51,000 visitors.
If we had talked to many more than we did, my brain would probably have just exploded. We already have the best 'raised toilet seat' for folks with bowel and bladder programs who spend significant time on the toilet.
Yet it will soon become even more functional for some, based on the feedback received. The same is true of our GEL lined arm trough system. The best will get even better!
We also showed off our prototype Robo P.A.W.S. programmable seating system and the response was a blend of praise for out new design and suggestions for additions and modifications to make it even better for both clinicians and patients. At the Rehab Nurses Association show October 29-31 -- Anaheim, CA We saw most of the 800+ attendees over the 4 days of the show. In addition to Robo P.A.W.S. the big hits were the Sta-Rite raised toilet seat SRRT, the dozen kinds of prone carts, and the Perfect Leg UP SRPLU.
For a variety of reasons there was dissatisfaction with the limitations of their existing products. Once again I can proudly say that with the addition of the Robo P.A.W.S., the SRRT, and our family of prone prone carts, we are changing the delivery of care in pressure management.
P.S. We did give out full sized candy bars in honor of Halloween - sorry if you missed them. ~~ If you have questions, or want to know more about any of these products OR if you're interested in testing one in your facility, give Chris a call at 302-494-9070.
Dr. Chris Barnum